Setting up an environment for OpenStack/Sahara devel on RHEL6.5

26 Mar 2014

These are the steps I followed to install the RDO Icehouse release and the trunk versions of Horizon and Sahara. The trunked Horizon/Sahara live in a virtual environment to make messing with their configurations easier.

I have a feeling there is work that needs to be done configuring the network bridge between the host system and the virtual network that OpenStack uses.

Base System

  1. install os.

    I used RHEL6.5 server with the development workstation option.

  2. give the user sudo priveleges.

    I created a user “stack”, then became root and created the file /etc/sudoers.d/stack, with the only line being stack ALL=(ALL) ALL

  3. register and add the optional channel [1].

    I used rhn_register to register rhel, then rhn-channel --add --channel=rhel-x86_64-server-optional-6 to add the optional channel repo. Confirm the new channel is added with rhn-channel --list.

  4. install epel [2]

  5. install python-virtualenv (needs epel)

  6. install libffi-devel (needs optional channel)


  1. install openstack [3]

  2. for convenience modify the keystone token format to UUID, found in /etc/keystone/keystone.conf

    I did this mainly to make working with tokens on the command line easier, the instructions for how to change the output type are specified in the configuration file.

  3. restart keystone, openstack-service restart keystone

Setup a Virtual Environment

  1. create an environment

  2. activate it

  3. install pbr, httpie, selenium, and mox into it with pip install


  1. activate virtualenv

  2. git clone sahara from git://

  3. install sahara with python install

  4. make an etc dir in the sahara virtualenv and copy sahara.conf.sample into it as sahara.conf

  5. change the os_admin_password in sahara.conf to be same as specified in keystonerc_admin

  6. modify the upgrade method of in the sahara virtualenv.

    This file causes an exception when performing the schema creation, a simple solution is to comment out the body of the upgrade function and replace with a pass.

  7. run the schema creation, sahara-db-manage --config-file <sahara venv>/etc/sahara.conf upgrade head

  8. start sahara, sahara-api --config-file <sahara venv>/etc/sahara.conf

    Update This should be run as root, otherwise it will fail to use the proper net namespace commands due to permissions.

  9. confirm it is working

    I confirmed this by sourcing the keystonerc_admin(as produced by packstack) and token_tenant_export(a custom script [4]). Then using httpie to run http http://localhost:8386/v1.1/$TENANT/jobs X-Auth-Token:$TOKEN. If this command succeeds you will get a json object back showing an empty jobs list.

These steps are based on the virtualenv install notes from

Sahara Dashboard

  1. activate virtualenv

  2. git clone dashboard from git://

  3. install dashboard with python install


  1. activate virtualenv

  2. clone horizon from git://

  3. install horizon with python install

  4. copy openstack_dashboard/local/ to openstack_dashboard/local/ in the clone repo

  5. modify openstack_dashboard/local/ in clone repo [5]

    The modifications I made are; add the local ip and localhost to ALLOWED_HOSTS, add the proper SAHARA_URL, and add SAHARA_USE_NEUTRON=True.

    Update I also copied the SECRET_KEY value from the /etc/openstack-dashboard/local_settings file to help reduce inconsistencies if running both Horizon dashboards at the same time.

  6. modify openstack_dashboard/ for sahara-dashboard [5]

    The modifications I made are the same as suggested in the guide; add sahara to HORIZON_CONFIG, and add saharadashboard to INSTALLED_APPS.

  7. start horizon by running runserver ip:port, make sure to use a different port than the base install of horizon

  8. point a browser at http://ip:port defined in the previous step


  • (03/31/14) added a note about copying the SECRET_KEY to Horizon install.
  • (04/04/14) added a note about running sahara-api as root.

